Dr Nanette O'Brien

Dr Nanette O'Brien

Lecturer in English

Faculty and Department

  • Faculty of Arts Cultures and Education
  • School of Humanities


  • BA (University of Oxford)
  • MA (King's College London)
  • PhD / DPhil (University of Oxford)


I received my BA in English from St Anne's College, Oxford; my MA in English from King's College London and my DPhil from Wolfson College, Oxford. My work has appeared in Journal of Modern Literature and Last Post: A Literary Journal from the Ford Madox Ford Society, among others. My recent monograph, Food and Culture in the Works of Ford Madox Ford, Gertrude Stein, and Virginia Woolf: Culinary Civilization (OUP: 2024), examines transatlantic modernist representations of food alongside historic culinary practices. I am currently exploring crossovers between food and environmental concerns, and food justice. My next monograph project is underway, on children’s literature and representations of play in early twentieth-century U.S. and Britain.

Undergraduate: Writing the Environment; Poetry Past and Present;

PGT: Climate Fiction

Research interests

Literary modernism, food and literature, environmental humanities, food justice, children's literature, play, US literature, British literature
