Professor Fiona Polack

Professor Fiona Polack

Professor and Head, School of Computer Science

Faculty and Department

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering
  • School of Computer Science


  • MA (University of Cambridge)
  • PhD / DPhil (University of Cambridge)
  • MSc (University of York)


After spells in Arts and Social Science, I joined Computer Science in 1990, working as an academic software engineer at York, and more recently Keele and Hull. My current interests are in fit-for-purpose simulation: notably software engineering (applications of model driven engineering) and assurance/fitness for purpose arguments.

I have many years' experience teaching teamwork and software engineering, as well as various aspects of modelling, project management, and some work on complex systems.

Recent outputs

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Book Chapter

Living with Uncertainty in Model-Based Development

Bernardi, S., Famelis, M., Jézéquel, J.-M., Mirandola, R., Palacin, D. P., Polack, F. A. C., & Trubiani, C. (2021). Living with Uncertainty in Model-Based Development. In R. Heinrich, F. Durán, C. Talcott, & S. Zschaler (Eds.), Composing Model-Based Analysis Tools (159-185). Springer.

Journal Article

Interface Contracts for Workflow+ Models: an Analysis of Uncertainty across Models

Paige, R. F., Polack, F. A., Zschaler, S., Chiang, T., & Annable, N. (2022). Interface Contracts for Workflow+ Models: an Analysis of Uncertainty across Models. Journal of Object Technology, 21(4), 4:1-13.

The role of 'living laboratories' in accelerating the energy system decarbonization

Fan, Z., Cao, J., Jamal, T., Fogwill, C., Samende, C., Robinson, Z., Polack, F., Ormerod, M., George, S., Peacock, A., & Healey, D. (2022). The role of ‘living laboratories’ in accelerating the energy system decarbonization. Energy Reports, 8, 11858-11864.

On developing and validating dynamic systems: simulation engineering

Polack, F., & Alden, K. (2020). On developing and validating dynamic systems: simulation engineering. Journal of Object Technology, 19(3), 3:1-13.

Report on workshop: Planning the future of agent simulation

Polack, F., & Zschaler, S. (2020). Report on workshop: Planning the future of agent simulation. Artificial Life, 26(2), 307-313.

Research interests

Model driven engineering and complex systems; fitness for purpose; practical approaches to anything complex.

Postgraduate supervision

Model driven engineering, notably for agent simulation (see Zschaler and Polack, SLE, 2019).

Uncertainty in simulation.

Simulation as a digital twin.

Fitness for purpose in complex systems models/simulations.

Anything where the PGR knows the subject well enough only need guidance on doing a PhD, not technical input.

Membership/Fellowship of professional body

British Computer Society



Advisory Committee, EU PREMIER

2017 - 2024
