Dr Karin Cooper

Dr Karin Cooper

Senior Lecturer/Interim co-Head School Psychology and Social Work

Faculty and Department

  • Faculty of Health Sciences
  • School of Psychology and Social Work


  • PhD / DPhil


Karin is the Professional Lead for Social Work. She has worked as a lecturer at the University of Hull since 2011, her current research focuses on the use of participatory theatre techniques in the education of social workers.

She has also conducted research into the experiences of kinship carers' own children, and she is a peer reviewer for the British Journal of Social Work. Karin has work in partnership on international projects in East Africa with NGOs from Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Academics from Tanzania.

Karin qualified as a social worker at the University of Hull in 2002. Her background is in child protection and fostering with expertise in the area of family and friend care.

Recent outputs

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Book Chapter

Revealing the lived reality of kinship care through children and young people's narratives: "It's not all nice, it's not all easy-going, it's a difficult journey to go on"

Cooper, K. (2013). Revealing the lived reality of kinship care through children and young people’s narratives: "It’s not all nice, it’s not all easy-going, it’s a difficult journey to go on". In J. R. McCarthy, C.-A. Hooper, & V. Gillies (Eds.), Family troubles?: Exploring changes and challenges in the family lives of children and young people (119-129). Policy Press. https://doi.org/10.1332/policypress/9781447304432.003.0010

Journal Article

Where is My Sweet Potato? Creating Change through Forum Theatre with Street Children in Burundi

Cooper, K., Munyerere, B., Yannick, M., & Omari, L. (2020). Where is My Sweet Potato? Creating Change through Forum Theatre with Street Children in Burundi. Studies on Home and Community Science, 14(1-2), 57-63. https://doi.org/10.31901/24566780.2020/14.1-2.348

Displaying the 'professional self': the impact of social workers' performance and practice on kinship carers' own children

Cooper, K. (2017). Displaying the ‘professional self’: the impact of social workers' performance and practice on kinship carers' own children. Child & family social work, 22(2), 914-922. https://doi.org/10.1111/cfs.12311

Postgraduate supervision

Karin welcomes applications in

- fostering

- kinship care

- looked after children

- child sexual exploitation

Karin has successfully supervised PhD students to completion in the area of child sexual exploitation and child protection in a Saudi context
