
Formal student complaints

Stage 3 – University Review

If you feel that the resolutions offered to you at stage 2 are not reasonable or that your complaint has not been fully investigated in line with the complaints policy, you can request a University Review within 21 days of receiving your Stage 2 outcome.

What happens at Stage 3?

A complaint can only be reviewed on one or more of the following grounds:

• There is new evidence that was unable to be provided, with good reason, during the Stage 2 Formal investigation. The student shall be required to provide evidence as to why this could not have reasonably been provided at the time

• There is evidence of procedural irregularity during Stage 2 and such irregularity has or, could have, materially affected the outcome.

• There is evidence of bias in the handling of Stage 2 and such bias has or, could have, materially affected the outcome.

The Conduct and Complaints Manager or their nominee will be assigned to the case. Where the Conduct and Complaints Manager has had previous involvement and/or where there may be a conflict of interest, an alternative Manager shall be appointed to undertake the review. A senior member of staff who is completely

You can request a University Review here.

The Reviewer will examine the request and associated evidence provided by the student and refer to all documents and information provided at the Stage 2 Formal complaint.

The Stage 3 outcome shall be final and not subject to further challenge within the University of Hull.

What happens next?

If you are still not happy with the resolution after the Stage 3 review, you may take your complaint to the OIA (Office of the Independent Adjudicator).

You will be issued with a Completion of Procedures letter by the University Conduct and Complaints Office which means that you have completed our internal processes.

The OIA may then review your complaint if it is eligible.

Please contact the University Conduct and Complaints Office at if you are unsure who to contact, or have any queries regarding the regulations or procedure.

Student Support

If you feel like you need additional support at this time, you can contact Student Support.
